To participate in Gahanna Special Olympics, the athlete must be at least eight years old. Each new athlete must have a medical form completed and signed by the athlete’s physician, providing consent for that athlete to participate safely in physical activity. In addition, all athletes and parents/guardians must sign the Code of Conduct and Organizational Expectations. These documents may be found in the section below titled “Required Documents.”
We are excited about your interest in becoming part of the Gahanna Special Olympics organization! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Click here to learn more about the different sports programs that are currently available through Gahanna Special Olympics.
Required Documents:
1. Medical Form *Important* – Without a signed medical form on file, athletes cannot participate in any
GSO event, including practices. Please keep in mind that these must be updated every three years.
2. Code of Conduct and Organizational Expectations